La Selva Beach Wiffleball league? (Audible Wiffle 5)
Mikie is back and he brings in Aaron Ford from La Selva Beach. It's the first ever phone interview as they talk about: playing wiffle in front of random people, Fresno heat, message board smack on Bells, cool wiffle bats and dirty spas. Very sorry for the poor quality - still learning.
Please download Audible Wiffle Show 5
***Our main wiffle site can be found at:Wiffleball Fresno
EMAIL Mikie if you have a comment or question about the show. You can also call the Audible Wiffle Show voicemail at 559-224-2483 and leave the show a message (24 hours a day).
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Please download Audible Wiffle Show 5
***Our main wiffle site can be found at:Wiffleball Fresno
EMAIL Mikie if you have a comment or question about the show. You can also call the Audible Wiffle Show voicemail at 559-224-2483 and leave the show a message (24 hours a day).
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