Saturday, July 30, 2005

Show Six Is Hot

Listen to the only people dumb enough to play wiffleball in 100 degree temps - Dustin and Mikie. They talk about the game they played, Fresno State football players playing wiffle and make a surprise call to league star Aaron Ford.
Please download Audible Wiffle Show 6

***Our main wiffle site can be found at:Wiffleball Fresno
EMAIL Mikie if you have a comment or question about the show. You can also call the Audible Wiffle Show Listener Line at 559-224-2483 and leave the show a message (24 hours a day).
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Monday, July 11, 2005

La Selva Beach Wiffleball league? (Audible Wiffle 5)

Mikie is back and he brings in Aaron Ford from La Selva Beach. It's the first ever phone interview as they talk about: playing wiffle in front of random people, Fresno heat, message board smack on Bells, cool wiffle bats and dirty spas. Very sorry for the poor quality - still learning.
Please download Audible Wiffle Show 5

***Our main wiffle site can be found at:Wiffleball Fresno
EMAIL Mikie if you have a comment or question about the show. You can also call the Audible Wiffle Show voicemail at 559-224-2483 and leave the show a message (24 hours a day).
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